Wednesday, 19 January 2022


2 Chronicles 20: ... nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.

There are times in life when we have some facts given to us that knock us sideways and make us feel depressed or hopeless, whether it's a bad doctor's report, or family situation, or whatever.  Realists will tell you that you have to face the facts and get on with it, but I want to tell you that God says something quite different. 
In effect He says 'faith' the facts. Romans 4:17 tells us God calls things which do not exist as though they did. He doesn't say how things are, He says how He wants them to be. He declares the end result from the beginning. That's called faith and He calls us to walk by faith in the same way.

God is the One who does the impossible, who can do exceedingly more than we expect or think or even imagine but He wants us to believe Him for it, to not doubt Him.

King Jehoshophat faced an army he had no way of defeating and he said 'We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on You God.' He was reminding himself in the face of impossible facts, that he believed God could change things and rescue them, which God did spectacularly. (2 Chronicles 20).

Scripture says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever which means whatever He did before,  God says He hasn't changed and He will still do all of that again for us today and will always be doing it. 

So when we don't know what to do, let's remember that we actually do know what to do. We can call on Jesus, fix our eyes on God and His promises, and by faith start 'seeing' our situation (whatever it is) turned around on the inside before we see the evidence. We know God is for us and He's doing the impossible because nothing is too hard for Him and He has a way we don't know about.

Start 'seeing' yourself well, 'seeing' yourself restored and strong again and believe the promise Jeremiah 30:17  'God is restoring health to me.'  Keep meditating it, say it to yourself all day long, 'God is restoring my health, He's making me strong again, thank you Jesus.'

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