Wednesday, 26 January 2022


Exodus 3:7 And the Lord said, "I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows.

What an encouraging verse this is because it tells us God sees, He hears and He knows what's going on with us, what's causing our distress, sorrow or pain and He goes on to do something about it.

The Israelites had been calling out to Him for help and He continues in verse 8 "So I have come down to deliver them....and to bring them up. God sent His man Moses to rescue His people and after many displays of God's power they were delivered just as God said. 

God also sees, hears and knows our difficulties and this time He has given us His Son as a man, the man Christ Jesus. He came down in order to bring us up too. God came down to our level in order to bring us up to His level (Ephesians 2:6) and He did it through the cross and our believing all that Jesus did for us there through His death and resurrection, through the shedding of His own blood. 

The Israelites had to believe God and put the blood of an animal over their doorposts to be rescued. How much more do we need to believe God and put the blood of Jesus over our lives too. Thank God He is still in the business of rescuing, delivering, healing and bringing us up and out. 

Let's believe by faith that He's doing it right now whether we can see it or feel it yet or not, because of Jesus. We thank You and praise you for it Lord. Amen.

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

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