Monday, 17 January 2022


John 20:26-29 ...Peace be with you...Then He said to Thomas ".... Don't be faithless any longer. Believe! .....v.29 You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.

We all have doubts come into our minds from time to time and what we do with them is very important. If only Eve hadn't made the mistake of listening to her doubts but had believed what God said, things would be very different in our world. We have the same choice to make today. 

All through Psalms we read of men who called out to God with their fears and doubts when things were going wrong for them, when they'd lost loved ones or their enemies were seemingly having the upper hand, so we're not unusual. They learned to go to God with them and were honest about how they felt. We can do that too.

Thomas had his doubts. He was grieving, his hopes had been dashed along with everyone else's. It hadn't gone the way he thought it would and he was just so gutted and disappointed. I think we've all been there! 

Eight days after the resurrection they're gathered together but Jesus goes straight to the one with all the doubts, to Thomas. The Lord graciously meets Thomas where he's at and encourages him to give up his doubts and just believe by allowing him to see His wounds. He says, 'Don't be faithless any longer' and gives him the chance to believe again.

It helps to recognise the enemy will use circumstances, or something someone has said, to plant a seed of doubt in our minds. He's tempting us to doubt God and what He has said to us in His Word. That's when we have to walk by faith and not by sight, to trust what God has said not what the enemy says.

So no matter what your doubts and fears are today go to God with them all and allow Him to reassure your heart through His Word, which we talked about last week as being so important to us. 
He says, 'Keep believing, keep trusting Me. Doubt your doubts, but believe My Word and know My Word is true. I am alive, I am who I say I am and my promises to you are true.'

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