John 14:27....... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
May I ask what's dominating your thought life? What's uppermost all the time? I don't know about you but I'm realising more and more that I can't believe and worry at the same time! I'm either doing one or the other.😊 When I allow doubts and worries to be uppermost then I start to fear and I don't want that! They start a chain reaction that makes me miserable.
So following on from yesterday about letting go of our doubts, this is just a little reminder that we're also needing to give our worries to God and believe He's working everything out, and trust His promises. He wants us to choose to believe.
God is working behind the scenes on our behalf all the time and we can take our foot off the worry pedal which acts like a brake anyway. When we put our foot on the believing pedal it will accelerate us forward. It might help to remember that picture.😊 Which pedal have you and I got our foot on at the minute?
Jesus took all our anxieties and fears, our griefs and heartbreaks, our sickness and diseases, our sins and guilt into Himself at the cross but we have to believe it. He is our Saviour and our Deliverer from all those things.
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