Tuesday, 24 November 2020


Psalm 23 He restores my soul.

I've been thinking about Peter this morning and how he gives us all hope as we identify with his struggles.

They were all there round the table with Jesus at the last supper, listening to Jesus teaching them for the last time. At that moment they were safe in the upper room. The next scene is the garden where Judas came with the mob to betray Jesus. The upper room was forgotten and Peter saw red. He was so angry he cut off a chap's ear and Jesus had to put it back on again. That was anger out of control, don't you think?

Then we see him at the trial of Jesus and fear gets a stronger hold. At that point he was pretty low anyway as he'd blown his top so badly and now he was vulnerable to fear, to such an extent that he denied the Lord three times.  Fear makes us think and do things that are out of character and takes us down paths we don't want to go.

I can't imagine how gut wrenching it was for him to see his best friend and Lord crucified and hanging in agony on the cross. He must have felt like all was lost, that nothing would ever be the same, that his life lay in tatters and had been destroyed. All his hopes and dreams gone, or so it seemed.  Ever been there?

Then we see him at the tomb where he finds out Jesus' body is missing and he's faced with the possibility of hope. Should he believe what he's being told? Is there hope that Jesus is really alive? Can you feel his confusion? He probably hasn't slept well in the last 3 nights and has relived his failures and 'seen' the Lord on the cross in his mind's eye over and over again. Maybe you have known those nights, reliving failures, things you've seen or experienced you never want to see again.

But wait, look what happens a bit later. Jesus really is alive, and meets him on the seashore with the others and they have breakfast together. 

Then we're given this glimpse of Jesus tremendous compassion and love for Peter as He singles him out for a one on one conversation where He restores Peter and puts his mind at rest. The moment where He lets Peter know he has been forgiven, that Jesus loves him unconditionally and gives him the opportunity to tell Jesus he loves Him too. Then Jesus goes on to commission him with a big undertaking and responsibility to feed His sheep when He leaves.

Peter knew every emotion in the book. He'd literally been on the mountaintop of transfiguration with Jesus and fallen into the pit of despair and hopelessness, then been pulled back out personally by Jesus Himself.

God made us all so very different. You may be the laid back, relaxed, nothing phases me type or you may be the emotional, more volatile type like Peter.  But the good news is, whatever type you are God loves you unconditionally. Whatever mess you've been in, or put in by someone else, God has a way out and His name is Jesus. He wants to restore you and tell you that you are loved beyond measure, that He wants to bless you and give you a purpose again in life. 

Our God is a rescuing God, a restoring God.  Do you feel battered by your emotions and feel you need restoring? Then why not have a 'one on one' conversation with Jesus and let Him personally restore you today?  He is a wonderful Saviour.

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