Tuesday, 10 November 2020


Hebrews 11:27  It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the King's anger.  He kept right on going because He kept his eyes on the One who is invisible.

Moses kept right on going by faith. He didn't let fear stop him or what the King or other people were saying stop him - he kept right on going - he endured. How could he do that when such pressure was being put on him?

He had learned the secret of keeping his eyes on the One who called him, on the One who gave him the promise, who gave him the command.

When he started out by faith to do what God called him to do, he probably thought this will be over soon, all I have to do is throw my stick down a few times to turn it into a snake and Pharaoh will give in.  He may not have expected it to drag on week after week, maybe months. Everyday brought him a new challenge. His people were moaning about worse conditions than when they started. They probably kept on at him "When Moses? How long is this going to go on? Can't you see the difficulties this is causing? Someone else died in the brickpits today Moses! When is God going to rescue us?"

BUT MOSES KEPT HIS EYES ON GOD.  He didn't give up, he endured, he kept right on going. He just kept obeying God and believing for better days to come.  Even when he faced the impossible at the Red Sea he kept listening for the next instruction. He knew His God was bigger than his impossibilities. And he was proved right wasn't he!

He didn't focus on what he could see, he focused on what he couldn't see - on God Himself - and His promises. He knew if God had promised it He would fulfil it.

Can I encourage each one of us today to be like Moses? Just keep right on going by faith in the One who loves you, who holds you in the palm of  His hand, who has promised you a future and a hope, to bless you and not to harm you. 

Each one of us has been called by God to be here at this moment in time. He has a reason for that and our job is to be always listening for His next instruction, to read His word to see what He's saying today.

So JUST KEEP RIGHT ON GOING. Keep our eyes on God, the One who is bigger than our impossibilities, our problems. 

God has a plan and He will work His purposes out. 

Thank You Lord you are always here with us strengthening us to keep right on going. Amen.

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