Saturday, 14 November 2020


Ephesians 4:29 Do not use harmful words but only helpful words, the kind that would build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. (Good News Bible).

We all know the reason for lockdowns is to stop us passing on the virus so we and others don't catch it.

But there is something else that can be passed on even when we are locked down and that is our attitude. Have you ever noticed how attitude is very catching and when you've had conversation with someone who has a 'bad attitude' you tend to come away feeling grumpy too! You don't have to be in close contact, you can pick it up over the phone, something you read on social media, a TV programme, or heard down the pipeline! The spirit behind those things tries to settle on us.

But there is something lovely that can be passed on which is very uplifting and it's a good attitude. I've heard it said that attitude determines your altitude. In other words a good attitude raises you up above your circumstances and a bad one has us grovelling round in the dust of despair and discouragement. 

I've been challenged this week to ask myself what am I passing on in my daily contact with people, at home, on the phone, wherever? It's so easy isn't it, to fall into the 'let's have a mutter about things' mode and before you know it the atmosphere has changed and everybody is fed up!

Our verse tells us to speak helpful not harmful words, so it's good to ask, will what I'm about to say build this person up or will it make them more miserable and add to their discontent and upset?

We all know how great it is when we've had a phone call with someone who is upbeat and positive. So  next time you want to have a good old moan, how about stopping for a moment, and think of at least three things you can have a good old praise up for first, and then see if you can carry on with what you were going to say. 😊 

Yes, there may be umpteen things to legitimately mutter about but is it helpful? Do you remember the character Polyanna had a habit of  finding something to be glad about and spread cheerfulness wherever she went, even when things had gone pear shaped?  I think she'd been reading our verse don't you?

And don't forget there is a reward for planting helpful seeds......

James 3:18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

Have a great uplifting weekend.😊

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