Tuesday, 3 November 2020


 Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Above all else!  Why is that? Let's look at Luke 6:45 "A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart."

 It's good sometimes to examine what we are allowing in our hearts, and what is already in there, and what maybe needs digging out before it pours out!

Proverbs explains our heart determines the course of our lives.  To put that in practical terms here is an example. Have you ever met a bitter person? Something has happened and they allowed bitterness to enter their hearts and then that bitterness keeps flowing out of them in their conversation and their attitude to others. You could use the same analogy for all sorts of things. If condemnation comes out of people then that is in their own heart. If forgiveness comes from them then they have a forgiving heart. If they spread joy and hope then that is what is in their heart.

The wonderful thing is we have a great High Priest called Jesus and we can go to him at any time and ask Him for His help to cleanse our hearts of all iniquity, whether it's fear or anger or resentment, bitterness or condemnation - whatever it is Jesus can wash us clean, and give us a new heart.

A prophet once told King Saul that God was taking his stoney heart out of him and giving him a new heart.

Be encouraged, if you recognise anything in your heart that shouldn't be there just go to the Lord, confess it and ask Him to cleanse you of it. Let Him fill your heart today with His great love so it can flow out to others, let Him fill you with His forgiveness today so you have some to forgive others with, let Him fill your heart with His joy and peace.

And above all else guard your heart today. Don't let anything in that shouldn't be there. Don't let fear come in from watching the media, don't let offence in from anything people may say, don't let the enemy's lies in, but surround your heart with the Word of God. It will guard your heart better than anything!

Whatever else you have to do today GUARD YOUR HEART ABOVE ALL ELSE!

Lord please help us today to guard our hearts from anything that would steal our peace or spoil our walk with You. Forgive us Lord and wash away anything in there that's not pleasing to you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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