Deuteronomy 28:7 The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way, but flee before you in seven ways.
A friend who keeps bees was telling me that they are very quiet at the moment as it's winter time. As she was looking at the hive this week a wasp came out of nowhere and flew straight into the hive. Suddenly there was pandemonium as at least six 'Bouncer Bees' who were on guard duty chased the wasp out and began to beat it up big time. They left it in do doubt it wasn't welcome, that they wouldn't let it stay and if it tried again they'd beat him up some more. Needless to say the wasp left!
I was thinking about the bees and how we need some 'Bouncer Bees' in our minds when we come under attack from the enemy in our thought lives.
I expect you've had it too. You get this thought pop in your head from nowhere, you know it's not a God thought, it doesn't agree with God's word and it's negative or critical or depressing, whatever.
Sometimes we entertain the thought for a minute or even let it settle down - big mistake! That's when we need to get the bees out and annihilate that thought by using the Word of God against it. We can't afford to let enemy intruders in our minds!
For example, you maybe don't feel too well and the thought comes 'You're not well and you're not going to get your healing this time.' As soon as that pops in your head send in the Bouncer Bees declaring 'God has promised me healing, He is causing this illness to be defeated, by Jesus' wounds I am healed. Buzz off you enemy thought.'
How about the thought that you wont have enough at the end of the month and it worries you. Send in the bees with 'My God shall supply all my need. No good thing will God withhold from those who walk uprightly.'
Or maybe you're just having 'what if' thoughts that try to steal your peace. Send them packing with 'Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' There are so many verses you know that will 'chase' those enemies away but we need to use them.
God says they will flee from us in seven directions! So let's do our part and put some guard bees on the door of our minds and beat those wasp thoughts up, send them fleeing with a flee in their wings! 😊
Tell them to buzz off!!