Wednesday, 19 August 2020


 Psalm 23:6  Surely or only goodness, mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord (and His presence) shall be my dwelling place.  (AMP).

We may not be able to physically enter our churches at the minute whenever we like,  but we can live in the presence of the Lord.

I think we all want that, but sometimes forget to do it. To be aware of His Holy Spirit with us all the time, hearing His impressions, hearing when He puts His thoughts in our heads; thoughts of His great love for us, how precious we are to Him and how He is caring for us each moment.

One verse says 'In His presence is fullness of joy'.  Very often the media, the 'experts', the finances, the doctor's reports will all tend to fill us with anything but joy, but God calls us constantly to draw aside, turn off the world's voice in its many forms and be aware of His presence.  He calls us to just stop for 2 minutes even and acknowledge Him, think about how He loves you and tell Him you love Him.  He calls us to read His life giving Word, words that will restore peace to our hearts where turmoil is trying to reign.  

Prov. 14:30 "A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body..."  We all want a healthy body, so let's practice dwelling in His presence, being aware of Him (The Prince of Peace) and let Him once again fill us with His joy. It's good to remember Peace is a Person and as we keep company with Him, we shall be like Him.

Let Jesus the Messiah reign today not turmoil. 😊

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