Monday, 3 August 2020


John 14:17 'My peace I give to you.......Let not your heart be troubled or afraid.'

When we listen to many voices around us and what the media impresses on us we can be very tempted to join in with their doom and gloom. The enemy tempts us to be troubled or discouraged and even to despair. 
Did you see or hear something this past week that's made your heart feel troubled or even afraid?

Well  THERE IS GOOD NEWS!  The Lord Jesus Himself has told us He's given us His peace in these situations and He's told us very firmly we've not to let it all trouble us or make us frightened, but to look to Him.

So how do we do that?  Resist it!  Take the authority He has given us and say 'I don't take the doom and gloom. I've been commanded not to take them so I don't take those cares and troubles and negative thoughts on me.'

Sometimes we think we should worry about stuff, that it's irresponsible not to worry and we take those cares on board.  We should certainly pray about all the issues we're concerned about, but God says "Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you."

We were never designed to carry the cares of the world, that is God's job - He said so.

So whatever has made your worried, or made your heart heavy, Jesus says to each one of us today

 'Don't let it do that to you.  Give it all to Me and I'll carry that heavy burden, I'll deal with it. Let Me be your CARE-TAKER.  Instead of 'taking care', take My Peace, take My Righteousness, take My Joy! You belong in My Kingdom, let Me deal with all the rest.  Now go out with a smile on your face so the world will know you have a 'Care-Taker' and shine for Me today!'

We have a 'Care-Taker' and His lovely name is Jesus.

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