Thursday, 13 August 2020


Judges 6:15  "O my Lord, how can I ....I am the least.."  v.16 And the Lord said to him, "Surely I will be with you ..."

My daughter was in the shower a few weeks ago when the Lord gave her an idea with all the details of how it was to be done, but it wasn't for her it was for me!  So she promptly phoned me while it was fresh in her mind.

All that she told me resonated with my spirit and although I had tried to do it before I had not succeeded because the timing was not right.

Have you ever had a word from the Lord, an impression, but it never happened and so you became discouraged, gave up and thought you hadn't heard correctly?  Probably most of us at some time or other!

Hang on to whatever the Lord told you, even if it was forty years ago, because He will still bring it to pass when the time is right.  

It will be tempting to say like Gideon 'I can't do that, I'm the least in the tribe,  please find someone else more qualified.'
There are lots of reasons we can come up with 'why not'!

But what God asks us to do, He will enable us to do it and provide the resources.  All we're told to do is obey and He will do the rest. "Surely I will be with you."

My daughter's task was to phone me, straight away, which she did.   God can speak to you in the most unlikely of places, even in the shower!  Gideon was scared stiff, hiding down inside a wine press pit when God spoke to him!  It doesn't matter 'where' you hear God, all that matters is that you 'do' what He asks, when He asks it.  

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