Thursday, 20 August 2020


Mark 16:6b ".....He is risen! He is not here..."

It was a new day!

Jesus is not in the place of defeat and never will be.  For the disciples the tomb was the place of grief, lost dreams, defeat, hopelessness and utter despair.  But the angel said "He's risen! He's not here."

He's not there!  He left there!  He overcame there!

He rose up with us alongside and brought us up into the place of victory with Him. 

Ephesians 2:6 and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. 

Have you got a place called There?  I've had some places called 'There' in my lifetime.

When we sink into despair and hopelessness we're seeing the tomb on the wrong day at the wrong moment.  We've forgotten that 'Hallelujah Sunday' followed 'Sad Saturday'.  We've got stuck in the place called 'There'.  It's not a good place to get stuck!

So no matter what our circumstances, how sad, hard, difficult, painful or just plain boring they may appear to be, let's not forget that when we are in Christ, what you see in the natural is not the end of the story. Let's remember to not get stuck at the closed tomb but see the open tomb.  

It is now a place of hope, of victory and a glorious future both for now in this life and in eternity.  If God could raise His Son out of hell with every demon trying to hold on to Him and they couldn't succeed how much more can He resurrect your situation and turn it around?  He has made us Victors not Victims! 

Remember He's not 'there' anymore, He's moved on. 

Today is a new day! Let's move on with Him and keep moving on to new and exciting days ahead.

Help us Lord to never get stuck but to move on with You.  Amen. 

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