Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Psalm 23:2 AMP He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters.
                                NLT He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.

I think we all enjoy a peaceful walk with a gentle stream bubbling along beside the pathway.
It does seem to bring rest for our souls and we can feel ourselves relaxing as we watch the water peacefully flowing over the stones and lapping up against the banks on either side, listening to the birds singing in the trees around us.

When life is full of turmoil we may not be able to do that physically but it’s good to draw aside for a few minutes and imagine ourselves sitting on the grass and watching the water gurgling gently by and allow our souls to rest and be restored in God’s presence.

The Holy Spirit is waiting to flow His gentle words of encouragement over us and into us. We need to hear Him tell us to not be afraid because He is right there beside us, even in our darkest valleys, because His presence will never leave us and His angels are with us to protect and guard us. 

It’s good to just take five minutes and breathe in His peace, His reassurance that He’s in control and He’s going ahead of us into our day, into whatever we have to deal with and He will hold us steady.

Maybe you just need to draw aside for a minute and hear Him tell you that your Heavenly Father loves you, that He’s waiting for you to cast all your cares and worries on to Him so He can sort them out, and feel His peace soaking into your soul today. In Jesus name. Amen. 

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