Jeremiah 23:29 NLT Does not my word burn like fire?” says the Lord. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?
Have you ever seen one of those huge wrecking balls that hammers into the sides of buildings to demolish them when they want to clear a site for new buildings? It’s quite dramatic to watch, and God has a wrecking ball, a mighty hammer as well!
It’s the mighty hammer of the Word of God which will demolish strongholds of the enemy. It will demolish arguments which stand against His word and His kingdom. It will demolish fears and lies of the enemy because it is The Truth. How do I know?John 1:1-3 tells us that the Word was God, that Jesus is the Word, and Jesus told us He is The Truth, so they are one and the same but different manifestations of God Himself. Lord help us have a greater revelation of that down in our hearts.😊
When we put God’s word in our mouths we set things in motion that will demolish the plans of the enemy, and Jesus demonstrated it in the wilderness when He was being tempted by satan. Again and again Jesus just replied with the word of God and said, “It is written ….”
When we take the time to find the promise of God that applies to our mountain, we can use it like the hammer God says it is, and relentlessly bring things down and out of our lives.
So my encouragement as always, as we begin our new week, is to put God’s word in our mouths, use it like a tool, like a hammer, and let God bring down anything that needs bringing down and then use it to build up anything that needs building up. In Jesus name. Amen.
Photo by Moritz Mentges on Unsplash
Amen and Amen, God's Word IS Powerful and True and Sharper an any two edged sword, thanku Jackie x