Tuesday, 4 March 2025


Romans 5:5 NLT And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

I’ve just been given this lovely plant by a kind friend and it prompted my thinking this week how loving gestures, whether they’re big or small, make a big difference in our lives

It’s the hand that reaches out to hold ours when we need reassurance, it’s the hug we need when we might be feeling low. It’s the kind word of encouragement that lifts our heads when we’ve been weighed down with the difficulties of a hard week, maybe at work, or at home.

At the root of all of that is the love of God, who gives us His Holy Spirit, who puts God’s own love in our hearts for those around us. There’s an old song which says it’s love that makes the world go round and it’s right in one way because God is love and He enables our world to go round in its orbit throughout the centuries!😊

Scripture says that one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth which will be amazing. It also reminds us that faith hope and love will remain but the greatest of these is love, God’s love for us.

God loves us right this moment, and He will still love us a million light years from now. His mercy and loving kindness endure forever, steadfast throughout eternity, and sometimes we need to remind ourselves of that so we don’t get so bogged down in the here and now. This life is a drop in the ocean compared to the joys still to come that His love has planned for each one of us.

And we know God’s gesture of love surpasses all others because it took Jesus to the Cross which He endured for us, it cost Him everything, and His love remains faithful even when we’re not.

So no matter how we show our love whether it’s in listening to someone, or drawing alongside in some other way, we know we’re fulfilling the greatest commandment of all, to love one another because God loved us first.😊

Thank You Father for loving the world so much that You gave us Your Son who gave His life, and You gave us Your Holy Spirit who gave us Your love. We can’t thank You enough. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

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