Wednesday, 25 May 2022


1 Kings 12:28 ...... the king made two gold calves. He said to the people, ..... Look, Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of Egypt!"

After King Solomon died, we find Israel is split and divided up into 2 kingdoms, 10 tribes ruled by a man named King Jeroboam  and the other two tribes (Judah and Benjamin) ruled by King Rehoboam (Solomon's son). King Jeroboam set up two gold calves for the Israelites to worship and told them they were the gods who brought them out of Egypt and to worship them, so they did!! 

As I read that I thought how could they forget what God had done for them in bringing them out of slavery in Egypt with all the signs and wonders and opening the Red Sea for them? How could they forget all that and believe two gold calves did it?! What a terrible thing and insult to God who'd been so amazingly good to them. 

So I asked myself, do I sometimes forget the goodness of God to me, do I ever take it for granted? 

As Christians, saved only by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus, can I encourage us to  always remember that every good thing we have in our lives has only ever come from our God. And if there is anything at all that we need in this life we can go to Him and ask Him to provide for us because He is our good, good Father who loves us so much He let His Son die for us. 

Let's bless our Father's heart today, and give Him thanks from the bottom of our hearts, for all He has done for us through the Lord Jesus and for His great goodness, care and love for us every single day. 

James 1:17 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father,....

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