1 Samuel 5:4 But the next morning the same thing happened - Dagon had fallen face down before the Ark of the Lord again. This time his head and hands had broken off and were lying in the doorway. Only the trunk of his body was left intact.
It does our hearts good to know and be reminded that Jesus is victorious and our enemy satan is defeated, and this account is a good picture of that fact.
The Philistines had defeated the Israelites' army in a significant battle and captured the Ark of God. They then put it in their temple and placed it beside their own god Dagon which was a big mistake, as on the first morning their god had fallen over face down in front of the Ark of God! So they propped their idol back upright again but next day the same thing happened only worse, as this time his head and hands had broken off as well, lying in the doorway! That meant anyone going into their temple had to trample on their god!
The Old Testament is full of pictures of what was to unfold in the New Testament and the Ark of God is a picture or type of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here we see a prophetic picture of Jesus going right into the enemy's camp, into hell itself, and satan falling flat on his face with his head and hands knocked off. Jesus is the Victor and He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
I hope that makes you shout for joy because we need to see our enemy defeated in our own minds. He is defeated and fallen flat on his face before our Lord Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross. He's been rendered powerless and because God has placed us in Christ and we're part of Him, so satan is defeated and fallen flat on his face before us as well when we call on Jesus' Name and the power of His blood.
Instead of seeing the enemy walking all over us, let's see us walking over him! Instead of seeing ourselves defeated, see him defeated with his head and hands knocked off, lying in the dust, the way Jesus sees him.
Jesus is our Victorious Risen Saviour and He has given His victory to us. All glory to God and thank You Jesus.
Amen to that , Christ is victorious .......
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