Wednesday, 6 April 2022


2 Kings 4:2 So Elisha said to her, "what shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?

Elisha met a lady whose sons were going to be sold into slavery because she had no money to pay her debts so Elisha asked what she had in her house. She said she only had a little jar of oil. So he told her and her sons to go and find as many empty jars as she could borrow or collect, close her door then start pouring. She did exactly as he said and her tiny jar just kept pouring oil time and again till every jar, big and small, was filled. Then she sold them and was no longer a poor widow.

In 1 Kings 17 we read of Elijah talking with a widow who was on the point of starving and he asked her to bring a morsel of bread in her hand.  She replied she only had a handful of flour and a little oil.  Elijah asked her to make him a cake with it first, and from then on the flour and oil never ran out until the rains came again and she and her boy lived on supernatural provision.

God uses what is in our hand, or in our house and He uses the simplest things. Whether it's a sling and five small stones, a stick in Moses hand, a little jam jar, or just a handful of flour. When we offer what we have to Him to use, then He can bless it beyond our greatest imaginings to provide for us and others.

What do you have in your hand, in your house? Why not ask the Holy Spirit to show you, then offer it up to Him to use on your behalf and others. ðŸ˜Š

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