Monday, 18 April 2022


Psalm 113:6-7 He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump.

When we couldn't come up to God's level He stooped down in order to come amongst us, to be a human being just like us, in order to rescue us and lift us up to be able to be with Him.

That's what the cross and resurrection were all about - Jesus coming down to us in order to lift us up to His Father. What an amazing God is our God. His love reaches down to our lowest point, even when we feel like we're so low we could never get back up and He puts His loving arms around us and lifts us back up. 

We were all sinners at some point, all needy in the dump of sin, but praise God He didn't leave us there - He lifted us up and out of it all and gave us His robe of righteousness.

There is no mess, no sin so bad that His blood can't cleanse us and wash it away. No sickness, no disease so bad that His blood hasn't already bought and paid for our healing. No fear, no anxiety so bad that His love and His blood haven't already defeated and rendered powerless.

God's love never fails and when we see His love for us on the cross and receive and believe His love for us, His perfect love can cast out our fear.

Can you see Him stooping down for you? Let's allow God to lift us up afresh today, to see ourselves where we truly are, seated in heavenly places in Christ where He has placed us, safe for all eternity because of Jesus. Thank You Lord.

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