Wednesday, 27 April 2022


John 6:12 After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, "Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted." 

We looked at the feeding of the 5,000 two days ago, then at Jesus' teaching on giving yesterday. Today we're looking at His next instruction.

First of all Jesus waited till everyone in the crowd had had enough, they were all full up, they were satisfied. I love that. Jesus wants us full and satisfied not needy and dissatisfied. That's His heart right there to bring us life, to the full, till it overflows. (John 10:10) 

In fact He provided so much more than they needed that there was a load of leftovers lying around after they'd all eaten. You wouldn't think Jesus would have paid any attention to what was left but it was obviously important to Him or He wouldn't have told His disciples to gather them all up, so nothing was wasted. 

Our society today is very much a throw away society but that's not God's way. Jesus is letting us know God doesn't like us to squander or waste anything He gives us.

I think He's reminding us that when we've got more than we need, don't let's waste any of it, let's put it to good use. Maybe we can gather it up so someone else can be helped and blessed by it or reuse it. 

No doubt it doesn't just refer to food but to all areas of our lives and I'm sure He'll show us what to do with anything we have that's leftover if we'll ask Him so nothing is wasted. 😊

And in a similar way God gathers all of us up even when we've maybe been leftover and feel no-one wants us. We can be tempted to think God could do nothing with some people they look too far gone but in God's eyes no one is a leftover, no-one is useless or hopeless or can't be restored. In God's kingdom He doesn't allow anyone or anything to be wasted.😊

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