Wednesday, 28 April 2021


Mark 3:2 So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. 

The Pharisees were all watching Jesus that Sabbath day wanting to find fault, wanting to accuse Him. The only reason they were listening to Him was to do just that! They actually wanted to find something wrong with Him.

I was very challenged by that. Am I, are you, looking to find fault in situations or people, because what we seek for is what we will find. 

If we seek and look for the good in people or situations we will find the good, if we look for the bad, the unsatisfactory, the faults, we will surely find that too.

It's easy to look on the down side but God wants us to look on the bright side, the uplifting side, the good things in life and then praise and be thankful for each and every one of them.  When we're tempted to complain and moan about anything just stop for a moment and say to yourself '"why do I feel like this, why am I behaving like that?"  It's because you've been seeking to find fault instead of seeking to find any good in the situation and dwell on that.

What we dwell on will affect our day, it will affect the way we feel and behave, and ultimately it will affect others.  If we constantly think about negative things they will get down in our hearts and Jesus said that what is in your heart will eventually come out your mouth.

Today and in the coming days lets not dwell on the negative things in life which gives glory to satan, but instead let's find every excuse to dwell on the good things in people and in life around us and give glory to God. Let's remind ourselves of their good traits, of the blessings we have from God and just rehearse those over and over again until they get down in our hearts so they come up into our mouths and bless others.

Jesus said "Ask, seek and knock and the door will be opened to you." That works in the negative as well as the positive!  Sometimes we bring negative stuff towards us because we've been looking for it and expecting it. If so, can I encourage each one of us instead to look for the good in people and in our situations, to seek it out if it's a bit hidden! Let's find something in them to be thankful for and refuse to look for the reasons to be dissatisfied or disgruntled.

Let's look for and seek for the good. Amen.

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