Saturday, 3 April 2021


The Centurion had his eyes on Jesus all the time. When they hammered the nails in he was looking at Jesus. When Jesus spoke he heard what he said, he heard his groans. When he pierced Jesus side with the spear he was looking at Jesus as he pierced him. As the Lord suffered he was looking at Jesus. As it went supernaturally dark all around the whole world the Centurion was looking at Jesus. When the earth shook and rocks were split apart his eyes were on Jesus and he said this

 "Certainly this was a righteous man" and "Truly this was the Son of God".

I was reminded this morning to be like the Centurion and keep looking to Jesus. When it goes dark in the world around us keep looking to Him. When your world shakes and everything is uncertain keep looking at Jesus.  When you suffer remember Jesus bore all your griefs and sorrows on the cross and all your pains and sicknesses - keep looking at Jesus. He is your Deliverer.

Whenever things don't look good we can choose to be like the Centurion, fix our eyes on Jesus and we can confess our faith in the midst of the darkness and say

"Truly this is the Son of God and certainly He is a righteous man." In other words the centurion who was a Roman knew Jesus was innocent, He was not guilty but He bore my guilt and yours. And for the Jews he was telling them He truly was the Messiah, the One they had all been waiting for, our Saviour, the Saviour of the World.  And He came for you and me. All glory to His Name.

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