2 Chronicles 20:22 Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people...... who had come against Judah; and they were defeated.
We all have things happen and things which come against us all through our lives and we can choose to see ourselves as a victim or as a victor. The truth is, if we are 'in Christ' then He has already made us victors and we need to embrace that truth and believe it and declare it. We either believe what God says about us or we don't. I don't want to be one of those whose words are stout against the Lord. I want to get into agreement with Him don't you?
This verse above tells how the Israelites were so threatened and outnumbered by an invading army that they couldn't do anything about it in their own strength so they turned their eyes on the Lord and did as they were commanded - they started to sing and to praise their God, to show that they trusted Him to rescue them.
Do you need rescuing today from anything? Then can I encourage us all to start showing God that we are trusting Him by praising Him, singing songs of praise to Him, rejoicing in Him because we know He is a delivering God. We know He is a Good Good God who cares for us greatly, who loves us deeply and has already blessed us beyond measure by giving us His Son.
Let's start to laugh at our enemies and remind them they are a defeated foe. Let's start to rejoice by faith in our God. Let's start to expect the goodness of God to show up. Let's forget 'victim' and declare 'VICTORY' in the face of the enemy. Let's rejoice and get our strength back. The JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH! Sometimes we have to rejoice by faith even when we don't feel like it.
I don't suppose those Israelites felt much like singing or praising when they were facing what looked like certain death by the thousands of soldiers waiting to kill them, but they did it, and the Lord turned what looked like an impending defeat into a glorious victory in His Name and for His Glory.
I believe He will do the same for us if we will enter into the power of rejoicing and praising. Hallelujah.
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