Friday, 19 February 2021


Genesis 1:3 Then God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light. (Nkjv)

If we'd looked out over the void earth that God saw, we'd probably have said 'It's so dark out there!' But God saw what was, and spoke something different over it. He released His faith - He spoke what He wanted. He released a command. The original says He said "Light be!". He didn't qualify it or limit it and that light is still shining today. 

God is Light. Jesus is the Light of the World and where He is, there will be light - enlightenment. And the good news is, He - the Light - is in us! We are Light shiners!

Just as God released His faith by speaking, we are commanded to be imitators of God so we can release our faith in the same way.

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children. 1 Corinthians 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. (Nkjv)

So, have you any dark places in your life that you need to be speaking 'light' to? 'Oh I can't do that', do I hear you say?  God says you can! He wants you to!

In Genesis 1:28 He told mankind to be fruitful, subdue the earth and to have dominion over every living thing. That was God's original blessing and command to mankind!

In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus said He'd been given all authority and delegated it to His disciples, (and us) telling them to teach people everything He'd commanded them. Didn't He teach them to speak to mountains to be removed?  Didn't Jesus also speak to trees, to the waves and the wind. He spoke to dead men, told demons to get out, diseases and sicknesses to go and for healing to come. He spoke peace into seas, peace into people's hearts. Jesus' words brought light and life, abundance and joy. 

God wants us to be just like Jesus. How about your words? What have you and I been speaking lately?   Let's speak some Light into any darkness we see today. Speak God's Words over them, call forth what God has said, dispel some darkness today. As Jesus once said....

YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Matthew 5:14  Let's release our faith, let's go and speak some light!

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