Saturday, 13 February 2021


Hebrews 12:2   looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God;

Outside it's minus 3 degrees, the heating hasn't come on yet so I'm huddled up as I'm reading my bible. I happened to look up and out the window and the sky is the most beautiful shades of pink, orange and pale blue, absolutely breathtaking. God has painted the sky again today and wanted me to look up and enjoy it for a few moments. I'm sure you've experienced the same thing time and again. God takes our breath away but we do have to look up or we miss it.

No matter what your focus is on today God wants us to turn our eyes away from it, look up and focus on Him, to 'refocus' on what is more important than anything else that might be going on right now. And what is that? The fact that God is in control of our lives, that He goes before us to make crooked paths straight, He goes behind us as our rearguard, His arms are underneath us holding us up and His banner over us is His love that never fails.

Earlier in the week I was reminded that what we focus on grows bigger. If you shut one eye and hold a one pence piece close to your other eye and look up towards the sun the penny piece will actually appear bigger than the sun. I don't recommend trying it but you get what I mean!

In the same way when we focus on the stuff close to us it can seem bigger than the promises of God we're standing on in faith. The doctor's report looms up in front trying to fill our attention but if we'll turn aside and look up to Jesus and what His report is we find His report is positive. 'With long life I will satisfy him, by Jesus stripes I am healed, I will take sickness and disease away from the midst of you, the Lord is strengthening my bones, etc.'

So can I encourage you today to take a minute and 'look up' and refocus your spiritual eyes on Jesus and what He won for you on the cross. He despised the shame of it, and looked at the joy to come of seeing His children being delivered and set free from all the works of the devil by what  He was enduring for our sakes.  

Let Him take your breath away today as He shows you all He has for you.😊 Thank You Jesus.

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