Tuesday, 23 February 2021


Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God ....

God wants you to draw aside for a while and let Him speak to your spirit. Take some time and let Him minister who He is to your heart whenever you need Him to. Can I encourage you to read each one prayerfully and receive it from the Father's heart to yours?

My child, know that I am God who made you and you are precious to me.

I am God who is more than enough for you.

I am God who upholds you and goes before you. 

I am God who speaks things into existence and I have already spoken health, wholeness and prosperity over you through My Son Jesus. 

I am God who gives you purpose and My power to fulfil that purpose. 

I am God who cleanses you by the washing of My word, who has set you apart for My glory.

I am God who loves you, forgives you and who seats you at My right hand of power and majesty in My Son Jesus.

I am God who makes the world beautiful for you and who sets the rainbows in the sky to remind you of who I Am and My promises.

I am God who blesses you and leads and guides you in paths of righteousness for My Name's sake.

I am God who lifts you out of the miry clay of depression and oppression, who makes you soar like an eagle if you'll let Me.

I am God who fills your life with good things, precious moments, wisdom beyond yourself.

I am God who understands you and loves you with an everlasting love.

I am God who draws you to Me with cords of love and mercy.

I am God who surrounds you with My favour so that wherever you go, whoever you are with, I'm pouring out My favour on you bringing you abundance and overflow.

I am God who pours My joy and My Spirit into you so your face shines.

I am God who wants to be good to you, to bless you in all your ways, to amaze you with My goodness.

I am God who heals you and renews your youth like the eagle's.

I am whatever, and all you will ever need Me to be, now and forever.

I want you to be still and KNOW that I am your God.

With love from your loving Heavenly Father.

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