Luke 11:9 ......knock, and it will be opened to you."
We've looked at Asking and Seeking this week. Today we're looking at Knocking with the right attitude on the right doors for our lives. Very often we knock with the wrong attitude and so we get the wrong answers and the wrong things happen. Been there and done that!
We have to know how to knock on the doors of opportunity, of healing, of prosperity or whatever is needed when we're given them so that they open if we want to go forward into what God wants for us.
Let me give you an example. Our attitude determines a lot of our outcomes. When we knock on a door with a negative, 'This thing will never change, I'll never be able to get this job, do this thing, ' we'll be unlikely to go through that door. But when we knock on the same door of opportunity with the faith attitude of 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, God gives me the victory so I can do whatever He asks me to do, all things are possible with Him, I can be all He's called me to be, I can be healed' then the door will open and you can enter in to what God has planned.
The enemy loves a negative mind set because he can work on it to his advantage so he can delay God's plan or bring defeat. But when we have a God focused, Word based, faith attitude the enemy is defeated before he begins. Which would you rather have?
Suppose you're praying for a wayward family member to come to the Lord. You can either catalogue all the reasons why they wont respond, go over their past mistakes and give the enemy an open door, or you can declare by faith 'Father nothing is impossible with You, You can turn any negative situation around, You have hosts of angels available to send to minister to those who are being saved, You've said my household will be saved so I believe You're sending out your angels and my loved one is coming home to You. Thank You Lord.
That's knocking on a door with a positive, faith filled attitude.
Faith knocks on a door with great expectation of good.
Faith 'sees' the end result of good before it ever gets as far as knocking! I love faith don't you?
There will be many doors of opportunity that God gives us every day how will we respond? Will we respond with Murphy's law of 'nothing good ever happens to me, if something can go wrong it will.' Or will we respond with the Faith law of God, 'God's favour surrounds me like a shield, something good is going to happen to me because God is for me and not against me. No weapon formed against me can prosper. God is turning things around for my good.'
Let's knock on some doors with Faith today and let God's goodness gush through the door.