Wednesday, 22 July 2020


I came across a Chinese proverb which said,
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

It made me stop and think. We all have so many unanswered questions. Why does God allow this and not allow that? Why did this happen to me? We could go on for ever and I realised that as soon as I get an answer to one question I'll only want an answer to another, and on and on. 

 I came to the profound conclusion it would bring me no satisfaction or peace even if I knew the answer to a thousand questions as there will always be another one!

So where does that leave me or you?  The conclusion, of course, is that God wants us to trust Him whether we get the answers we seek or not.  Trust Him to look after us and provide for us regardless of what has happened and to know that no matter what, He has a good plan, which we thought about yesterday.

God wants us to sing, to have a song in our hearts, not because we have the answer to our questions but just because He's given us something to sing about.
 Because we're loved and cared for by God, because He's given us a Spirit of praise and a reason to praise, because we are in covenant with Almighty God for all of eternity. 
We can sing because He's given us His Son, His Blood, His Name, His unbreakable Word, His very Holy Spirit indwells us. He's given us His grace and favour, His forgiveness. He's given us His own faith to get things done. What's not to be singing about!?

Questions? If you straighten out a question mark you have an exclamation mark. Maybe today we could turn our questions into exclamations of praise instead and trust God with all the rest.🙂

"Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee. How great Thou art".

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