For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
God gives us windows of opportunity and asks us to do things for Him and we get to say Yes or No. Those windows don't stay open forever and if we put it off or find excuses we may find the moment has passed and we might have to wait quite a while before it happens again.
God is always willing to give us another chance but why wait? He won't force us to do anything but the 'Yes' is about our future.
Y - You have to make a quality decision to say Yes. You have to choose it.
E - Enter in. Choose to enter in to what God has for you. You can't enter in till you say yes.
S - See. When you say Yes and you've Entered in, then He'll let you See the way forward,
but notice the 'S' is windy and bendy and you can't see round bends!
He'll let you see the first part and gradually let you 'see' more.
Mary, Jesus' mum, said Yes to the angel who came to her. What would have happened if she said No! Was it an easy road she had to walk? By no means but scripture tells us she became most blessed among women.
Gideon didn't want to say Yes and hid himself away, but in the end he said yes and had a great miraculous victory over his enemies with only 300 men!
Paul said yes to the Lord when he was stopped on the road to Damascus and he went on to write a large part of the New Testament. But he had to choose to change course.
Is God asking something of you? Can I encourage you to not put it off but to say Yes.
YES leads us upward and onward. Be willing to say 'Yes' , even when you can't see it all.
Be blessed in your YES today.