Thursday, 1 June 2023


2 Kings 4:5-6 So she did as she was told. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after another. Soon every container was full to the brim!

This widow was in a distraught state as she owed so much money they were threatening to take her sons as slaves in payment. So she asked the prophet of God what to do, which was the only way she had in those days, of finding out.

He asked her a simple question. ‘What do you have in the house?’ At first she says ‘Nothing!’ then realises she does have some olive oil but obviously couldn’t see what difference that would make anyway! I wonder if we can be like that? All we can see is the problem and we think we can do nothing about it, when God always has an answer if we’ll ask Him. He sees the potential in what we do have!

Are you challenged in some area of your life at the minute? Then God says ‘What do you have in your house?’ Ask Him to show you what you have that He can use and multiply. God wants us to think outside of the box sometimes and not be tied to thinking there’s only one way to do a thing or make a living.

We have to remember GOD is our source of supply for everything - not our training, our job, the government, etc. He can use something entirely different if we’ll humble ourselves and ask Him what He wants us to do. This lady though, was told to ask for other peoples’ rejects, the empty jars they didn’t want, even the kids were involved! But God used those and the little oil she had and filled them to the top! 

Our God is a ‘full to the brim’ Person. She had so much in the end she was able to, not only pay off all her debts, but she had more than enough to live well on afterwards. The key was, she was willing to do what she was told! Are we?

If we have a need in some area at the minute, let’s first of all ask God what to do and if necessary let Him help us think outside our box, then do what He tells us. It might be a nudge in a certain direction, it may be an idea that keeps coming up in our minds. Let’s listen for the still small voice to find out what God is instructing us to do, because He wants us to be filled to the brim and have more than enough in our lives too.😊

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