Philippians 3:16 But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.
There are some fairground rides called ‘White Knuckle’ rides and you see people holding on so tightly their knuckles are white in case they’re thrown off! It can feel like that in life when everything seems to have come against us at the same time trying to throw us off balance!
So when we’ve been making progress, then find we seem to have been pushed back again what do we do then? Apostle Paul tells us. He says ‘we must hold on to the progress we have made’. He says we must do it, no matter what it takes, even if our knuckles are white! So how do we do it?
I believe it’s by thanking God for every little improvement, every little thing that may be better today than yesterday, that’s better than it was perhaps six weeks ago. Even if we struggle to think of anything, we can still reach out in faith and thank God that He’s turning things around for us for good, even though some things may be worse, there really are things which are still ok!
We have an anchor of hope that will hold us steady and if we’ve pulled our anchor up recently, and started drifting into doubt, then put it back down and remember who we are anchored to - to Jesus, the One who makes blind eyes see, who speaks to storms and brings calm, who hasn’t changed and is still working miracles in our lives today.
God is speaking to all of us, no matter whether we’re in the middle of anything or not, to hold on to the progress we have made in any area of life. And to those who are dealing with things stay anchored to hope and He will rescue us, strengthen and help us come through it, not battered and bruised but victorious with a smile on our faces.
And if everything is good with you just now, then maybe you can draw alongside someone who is drifting and struggling to hold on, who needs your encouragement, and help them to put their anchor back down into their God who keeps His promises and is the God of all hope.😊
Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm for God can be trusted to keep his promise.