Today I was listening to Keith Moore speaking on healing and he made some helpful remarks.
These are just a few brief thoughts I gleaned from him.
Faith is excited, it rejoices and it gives thanks.
Faith doesn't complain!
Faith is persistent.
The Word that excites you is the word that works. I thought that was interesting as when you read God's word and something jumps out of the page at you, you just know that you know that it is a word from God especially for you and your circumstances. And yes it does excite you!
He commented that you can't have faith until you know the will of God and you find that from His book and by His Spirit. Once you know God's will you persevere no matter what.
You don't let symptoms stop you and you don't let circumstances stop you.
Faith EXPECTS and gets excited.
Self pity will keep you down and bound.
Faith is a fighter, determined and persistent.
One of the biggest faith destroyers is condemnation. Faith doesn't work if you feel condemned.
When you know your sins are forgiven (which they are) your faith can work.
If you have any thoughts please come back to me.
Have a God blessed day.