Tuesday, 16 October 2012



Thanks to anyone who has been kind enough to visit my blog and I would love to hear from anyone with your comments.  I am rather new to all this so any encouragement would be a help.

Today I was listening to Keith Moore speaking on healing and he made some helpful remarks.
These are just a few brief thoughts I gleaned from him.

Faith is excited, it rejoices and it gives thanks.
Faith doesn't complain!
Faith is persistent.

The Word that excites you is the word that works.  I thought that was interesting as when you read God's word and something jumps out of the page at you, you just know that you know that it is a word from God especially for you and your circumstances.  And yes it does excite you!

He commented that you can't have faith until you know the will of God and you find that from His book and by His Spirit.  Once you know God's will you persevere no matter what.

You don't let symptoms stop you and you don't let circumstances stop you.

Faith EXPECTS and gets excited.  
Self pity will keep you down and bound.
Faith is a fighter, determined and persistent.
One of the biggest faith destroyers is condemnation.  Faith doesn't work if you feel condemned.
When you know your sins are forgiven (which they are) your faith can work.


If you have any thoughts please come back to me.
Have a God blessed day.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Thanks so much

I heard someone say this week 'What you give thanks to God for,  increases' , which got me thinking.

It occurred to me that when Jesus was given the little boy's packed lunch (which was all they had available at the time) He prayed over it GIVING THANKS to His Father and yes, it was multiplied greatly so it fed thousands and thousands of very hungry people.  

Phillipians 4 v 6 says to ask God for your requests WITH THANKSGIVING.

1 Thessalonians 5 v 18 says to GIVE THANKS in everything and goes on to add that this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus.   So no matter what the circumstance let's give the Lord thanks for something good in our lives.  Thank Him for the health we have got, for the finances we do have, etc. and thank Him for all His goodness and kindness to us in the past.

The Psalmist is always saying to come into the Lord's presence with thanksgiving.  Thanking God can never be hard or difficult when He has done so much for us.

Thanks for listening :)!

Sunday, 23 September 2012


Sometimes we go through some really hard times and wonder if there will ever be an end to them.  We've all been there, haven't we?

Can I encourage you today with the words of King David

Psalm 27v.13  "Yet I am confident I will see the Lords goodness while I am here in the land of the living."(NLT)

The New King James puts it this way "I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

So whatever your trouble is don't lose heart,  we are still alive, so there is great hope for us, and we will see the Lord's wonderful goodness in our lives.

An old song popped in my head this morning when I woke with a similar thought.  It says this:

On the victory side, 
on the victory side, 
no fear can haunt me, 
no foe can daunt me, 
on the victory side.  
With Christ within 
the fight we'll win, 
on the victory side.

It's basically saying why should I be afraid or discouraged when I have Jesus on my side?

So no matter what situation we are in if we have Christ within, then we are on the victory side and we will win!

Regardless of what the enemy has thrown at us we can rise up and say "I'm going to overcome it anyway."   It's all too easy to have a victim mentality which says 'poor old me'  so will you join me today and  replace it with some different thoughts?

I am a Victor not a victim, I am an Overcomer through Christ.  
I'm on His side, the victory side.  
I am going to see God's goodness in my life.  
God can turn any situation around for good, whether it's health, finances or relationships or anything else, and I believe He's doing it for me now, today.  
I believe He's already started, He's working it out for my good. 
I will keep trusting Him,  keep believing for the best to come.  
Nothing is too hard for my God.  
Jesus has already won me the victory.  
Praise God. 
Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, 22 September 2012


God keeps His promises! 

Joshua 21v.45
Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true.( New Living Translation)

When God makes a promise He fulfills it ALWAYS!
Everything He says He will do, He does.

His Word is not negotiable.   He backs it up and brings it to pass even if it takes 45 years. (See story of Caleb who waited 45 years to receive the fulfillment of God's promise. Joshua 14.v10)
What's our part?

Our part is first to claim the promise for ourselves.  It doesn't just float down on us, we have to actively say this promise is for me, right now.

Our part is to believe it no matter how we feel or what we see in the natural realm with our physical eyes.
That's hard sometimes as I know when I battle with symptoms of illness in my body.

Our part is to declare the promise is so and lay hold of it for ourselves by faith, and not let it go.

Our part is to speak to our doubts to be silent and to leave, to resist the devil and he will flee from us.

No matter how you feel or what you see, choose to believe God and His promises.  They are all fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Refuse to believe the devil's lies and taunts.  Resist him, strong in your faith in the Lord.  We can do that!

Start rejoicing in the victory that is on it's way.  Enforce the victory with praise for the wonderful things God is doing behind the scenes.

Is it easy?  I find it hard going sometimes when I don't see immediate results but I am holding on because God says we will reap a harvest if we don't give up.

So can I encourage anyone out there reading this.  Don't give up.  God is working behind the scenes and He is fulfilling His promise to you because He cannot lie and He loves you.

Be blessed today wherever you are

The photo of a rainbow above is attributed to:
<div xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" about="http://s0.geograph.org.uk/photos/96/24/962472_a5c85c56.jpg"><span property="dct:title">Somewhere Over The Rainbow</span> (<a rel="cc:attributionURL" property="cc:attributionName" href="http://www.geograph.org.uk/profile/26885">Rod Trevaskus</a>) / <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC BY-SA 2.0</a></div>